Monday, January 12, 2009


There are things in my life that i wished it never happened... At a certin point, I almost gave it all up, and be dwelt in anger, fear, rage and hatre. i felt that everything's out of control and i was slowly falling apart... apart from reality and apart from where i stand..

The pain was aggravating through the days. Cold and fearful of tomorrow. I wished it ended with just a blink of the eye that one day upon waking, it's all gone...

but one after the other, another hurtful moment came, even ore excrutiating that before. More pain i felt, more dreadful it became...

At that instance, i was surely decided to quit. But quit? It's easy to spell out but difficult in making into reality. This is not the same as before. I realized that even though how painful it felt, some things are not just worth forgetting.

Im tired of all these mess.. Tired of facing all worthless sacrifices. I've sacrificed a billion for a purpose of whom I thought could bring happiness intothe world I built into, but to the trash it went.

Now... I have to start rebuilding myself for courage and strength because i know I have to start again from where I started on before.

To begin with...


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